
Friday, March 30, 2012

Of barks and blood: Analysis of Indian Animal Protection Laws

                                                                                 This article is written by Anagha Lokhande.

The menace of cruelty to stray animals is on the rise
DOGs the most faithful and loyal friends of man have been a part of our lives since about 35,000 years when the concept of domesticating animals actually began. It is since then, the partnership ensues!
It is not new to you when you find a police officer with a dog sniffing around places; just to make sure that we are safe.
It is not new to find these canines at special schools, just to make specially gifted kids feel the joy of being loved.
It is not new to hear about incidents

Monday, March 26, 2012

Important cases related to Standards of Weights & Measures

The following cases are considered 'landmark' with respect to 'Standards of Weights & Measures'.

1) State of Maharashtra and Ors. Vs. Subhash Arjundas Kataria (2011)

Civil Appeal-I
Facts: The Inspector of Metrology (one of the Appellant's) had visited the Respondent's store and seized some Sun glasses. Despite a satisfactory explanation, the Inspector seized the sun glasses for allegedly not declaring name and address of the manufacturer/month and year of manufacturing which is in violation of provisions of the Act and the Rules.

Issue raised: Whether sun glasses can be considered "pre-packed commodity" under Rule

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Holding a Magnifying Glass On The Life Of Insect Pollinators. What’s The Buzz?

-This article has been written by Dhrumi Gada

Laws for the protection of insects
Reflecting on the words of Gandhi “The earth has enough for every man’s need but not for every man’s greed”, I strongly believe that the course the environment takes in future is in our hands. We can allow it to either further deteriorate or we could by prudently managing it, improve its quality. Thus, why not

Friday, March 9, 2012

Good WILL Hunting- The Importance of Making a Will - Sample Will Format

How to make a Will document & Sample Will Format:
No one escapes death
The least we can do is prepare for it
Image taken from here
You love your family? Then what are you doing about it? Do you want to leave your wealth and let your loved one’s fight with each other to get their shares. Such cases are very common. I don’t want to take names (<cough>Ambanis).

When a will is not made, the property of the deceased is distributed in accordance with the laws of succession which may not be as per the wishes of the Testator (The person who makes a will), and also such cases frequently land in court or are settled after long negotiations. The end result – separations among your once "undividable" relatives and a waste of all of their time, money and efforts. A common mistaken belief is that

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Re-visitng Napster: What's going to happen to file-sharing sites like Megaupload?

Napster's logo
One might wonder how and why file sites like Megaupload(MU) are shut down due to copyright infringement. These sites only allow users to upload files, it is therefore the users who infringe copyright. All files that are shared may not be infringing copyright. However, the reasoning behind was well established a long time ago in the Napster case. Here is a summary of the case so that