
Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Price of Mercy : Legalizing Medical Euthanasia

This article is written by Sourya Banerjee.

"I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel"
-The Hippocratic Oath.

Pulling the plug on life euthanasiaindia, mercy killing india
Pulling the plug: (Euthanasia)
Who is to decide
    Traditionally for over 700 years, the Anglo-American common law tradition has punished or otherwise disapproved of both suicide and assisting suicide. That suicide remained a grievous, though nonfelonious, wrong is confirmed by the fact that colonial and early state legislatures and courts did not retreat from prohibiting assisting suicide. Swift, in his early 19th century treatise on the laws of Connecticut, stated that "if one counsels another to commit suicide, and the other by reason of the advice kills himself, the advisor is guilty of murder as principal." (From Z. Swift, A Digest ofthe Laws of the State of Connecticut 270 (1823). The right to life and to personal security is not only

Unhygienic Sanitation: a TRAP!

This article is written by Dhrumi Gada.

A sign reminding people that they are  responsible  for disposal of their pet's waste. Stray dog’s poop everywhere
A sign reminding people that they are
responsible  for disposal of their pet's waste
There they are….multiplying and breeding only in darkness…. hidden in decaying human and animal excrement, and dark pools of foul uric acid and stagnant water. These are the germs which can suck the life out of us. Dirt and darkness are the parents of disease; and if people live in filth, they are liable to such epidemics of deadly diseases. Unhygienic sanitation is a trap….on us, by us. Can we do something revolutionary about it? 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Bit Adulterated....

This article is written by Sourya Banerjee.

Gender discrimination sex symbols on the balance weighing scale of justice
Gender Justice

What’ common between the CEO of ICICI banks, the MD of Apollo Hospital Enterprises, the Indian Head of Facebook or the current leaders of the three most powerful political parties currently. Quite simple isn’t it? The only similarity is that they are all women. They are there at the top. From healthcare to banking to entertainment to politics. Then can they now be called the weaker sex?? Aren’t laws made to uplift this “weaker” sex going to hamper the other sex (yeah I mean us males)? It’s said that women were always the suppressed sex in India. But the catch word my dear friends is “were” not is! I think it’s high time the law changes to suit the times and eliminate major forms of gender discrimination. Because in the process of  trying to uplift one section, you push down the other side.

    The law which first comes into our eyes in this aspect is the Adultery Laws in India

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bringing Domestic Workers within the Ambit of Labour Law

This article is written by Shashank Sahay

Domestic work: A multifaceted but global phenomenon
Domestic labour is one of the oldest and most important occupations for many women in many countries. It is linked to the global history of slavery, colonialism and other forms of servitude. [1]  In its contemporary manifestations, domestic work is a global phenomenon that perpetuates hierarchies based on race, ethnicity, indigenous status, caste and nationality.[2]  Care work in the household – whether performed by paid employees or by unpaid household members as part of their family responsibilities and as a “labour of love”[3] – is quite simply indispensable for the economy outside the household to function. The growing participation of women in the labor force

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Anti-Trust Laws: The Magna Carta of Free Enterprise

This article is written by Sushant Shetty.

Result of Monopoly:
It's not a recession, it's a robbery
Monopoly is an expression employed by economists to refer to the situation in which there is a single seller of a product (i.e., a good or service) for which there are no close substitutes. The word is derived from the Greek words monos (meaning one) and polein (meaning to sell). Governmental policy with regard to monopolies (e.g., permitting, prohibiting or regulating them) can have major effects not only on specific businesses and industries but also on the economy and society as a whole.

Large monopolies have substantial potential to

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Homosexuality In Legality

This article is written by Shashank Sahay

Lesbian idols on wedding cake, homosexual figures
The basic tenet of Indian constitution lies in the principle of inclusiveness.  Unfortunately homosexuals have been continuously harassed, demeaned and secluded from the society. This has been carried out under section 377 IPC which directly targets their right to equality and freedom of expression, hereby overruling article 14 and 19 of the Indian constitution . The proposition, which the researchers would moot would be the decriminalization of homosexuality. In our country even the rapist (or alleged) are not kept under judicial custody on non bail able warrants, but this is not the same for the homosexuals. If the person alleged of heinous crime such as rape is provided with such a soft cushion in our legal system, then there shouldn’t be any kinds of discrimination  in relation to homosexuals indulging in sexual intercourse with each other’s consent contrary to the rapists ,who by assault or external force induces themselves in sexual intercourse with  person against his or her will outlawing the opinions of certain reserved section of the society. The purpose of

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fairy Tales and Feminism: Refashioning Mother India

This article is written by Smriti Patel.

Men have sight, women insight.
-Victor Hugo

INTRODUCTION: Diversity, Difference and Feminism.
In the early 1960’s, the Suffrage movement was formed to help women become equal to men by campaigning against a series of issues such as abortion, glass ceilings, equal pay, and sexual harassment[1].

femisim and virginaia woolf, A Room of One’s Own,  women victims of men upholders of society mirrors to men
Virginia Woolf
““Does your mother work?” “No, she’s a housewife.”” This statement is just an example of what was heard in and before the feminist movement and in the 1960’s. Since then, women’s roles have changed dramatically, instead of being “just a wife”, or “just a mother”, now women can be both and have jobs outside the house[2]. However, women are still considered a subordinate group because not only do women have different physical characteristics than men, but they experience all of the other signs of a subordinate group as well such as receiving unequal treatment, and having to struggle for equality.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Game Changer In The Generic Industry

This article is written by Jasmine  Kaur

Pills Pink Medicine
The NATCO CASE: This case is the landmark judgment on the topic of compulsory licensing in the Indian history. Case was filed by the NATCO Pharma Limited against the Bayer Corporation invoking the section 84 of the Indian Patent Act, 1970 which deals with the subject of compulsory licensing. This order was in relation to the patented anti cancer drug Nexavar which was made for the treatment of Renal Cell Carcinoma-RCC (kidney cancer) and also for the treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma-HCC (liver cancer).

The patentee is granted an exclusive right under the patent laws for a limited period. This type of exclusive right prevents