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JIHAD- what does it mean?

Historically, Jihad means Holy War. For 1400 years, Muslims always understood the meaning of Jihad as Islamic Holy War. Every Islamic scholar, Mullah, Maulana and Imamare of the same opinion regarding this meaning of JIHAD. Technically, Jihad is a war against the non-Muslims (Jihad al-kuffar or Jihad against disbeliever; and Jihad al-munafiqeen or Jihad against hypocrites) only, since Muslims are forbidden to fight the Muslims. Hundreds of books have been written by the Islamic scholars (Islamic Chintabid) on Jihad and everybody unanimously used the word Jihad as the religious war. In the Islamic history, more than 80% of the texts are filled with Holy War (Jihad). Early Islam was spread in the Arabian Peninsula solely by these holy wars. Islam was propagated as a religion by series of wars/battles –both defensive as well as offensive. As many as 78 historic battles were fought by Prophet Muhammad himself, and out of 78, only one (battle of Ditch) was a defensive war, and the rest were simply offensive wars. Did the Muslim soldiers