
Friday, November 30, 2012

Fair Competition & Monopolies

“Competition is not only the basis of protection to the consumer, but is the incentive to progress.”
Fair competition monopolies
- Herbert Hoover (American President, 1874-1964)

Great words by a great man.However, President Herbert Hoover had somewhat erred while making this statement. He only said ‘competition’, whereas he should have stressed on ‘fair competition’. Competition is present even in oligopoly[1]or even when unfair trade or anti-competitive practices are being performed[2].However, in such competition, the consumer’s interests are not protected[3]. Also there is the constant danger that two or more major enterprises may merge giving rise to a monopoly[4].Barriers to competition caused due to unsuitable

Saturday, November 17, 2012

How to Spread Legal Awareness among a Community: E.g. Uttarakhand

Map of Uttarakhand: Three regions
The following plan is a simple yet effective method to connect with the people with Uttarakhand and make them aware of their rights. It is cost-effective and realistic. A good plan need not constitute one complex strategy with several graph and map references but rather a mixture of several simple ones while keeping in mind short term as well as long term goals. If followed, the people's lives will be as beautiful as the region.

Name and slogan:
 People of Uttarakhand mainly speak the dialect of Kumaoni (in the Kumaoni area i.e. in Almora and northern Nainital, north-eastern Kumaoni in Pithoragarh, south-eastern Kumaoni in south-eastern Nainital, etc.) and Garhwali

Monday, November 5, 2012

Role of Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) in Indian Economic Development

accounts audits piggy bank notes currency
“The Comptroller & Auditor General must be as supreme as the judges of the Supreme Court, perhaps even more so.”          
- Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya 


Today, the chief hindrance in the path of economic development in most countries is without a doubt corruption. In order to combat and even detect the corruption in India, responsible and efficient working of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India must be ensured. The CAG is an officer of the Constitution and not an officer of Parliament, even though he/she exclusively serves Parliament and State Legislatures[1]. Thus, the Comptroller and Auditor General is a dignitary who occupies a unique place in Indian democracy.
In order to meet the challenges of good governance the CAG’s office has been

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Should Prostitution be Decriminalized in India?

This article is written by one of our authors  Shashank Sahay .

(Also read article on Women Exploitation in India)

money in indian foreign prostitute's high heelsThe exponential rise in the number of women being trafficked inters and intra country has sparked off numerous debates. Some advocacy groups talk about issuing license to women involved in prostitution, thereby granting them the status of legitimate work.

Those in favor of legalization of prostitution as a profession argue that establishment of self regulatory boards constituted solely by sex workers would be able to check the inflow of new entrants especially with respect to their age and health. Once the women are