
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Is UAE a reciprocating country u/s 44A of Code of Civil Procedure?

A lot of online articles and blog posts mention ‘United Arab Emirates’ as one of the ‘reciprocating countries’ under section 44A of the Code of Civil Procedure,1908 (“CPC”). However, there is a cleavage of opinion among legal experts on this issue.
There is no dispute regarding the other ten countries, viz. United Kingdom, Aden, Fiji, Republic of Singapore, Federation of Malaya, Trinidad and Tobago, New Zealand, the Cook Islands (including Niue) and the Trust Territories of Western Samoa, Hong Kong, Papua and New Guinea and Bangladesh, being reciprocating countries.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Homecoming of Terror - Review

You must be wondering what a review of an episode of House of Cards is doing on a legal blog like this one. Well, like everyone else, I too am an ‘Underwood nuts’ and would be remiss in my duties as a lawyer if I didn’t give my fellow lawyers who are buried under tons of paperwork a brief review of the premier episode of Season 5.